
The internet is an amazing thing but I hate it so much

The internet is probably the best invention after the computer.... well for me anyway. For some people that might be the television or a brick wall, but everyone has their own opinion, which comes to my main point today.

Everyone has a voice, everyone has a right, but a lot of people are abusing that right thanks to the internet.
The internet lets you shout out your opinion to someone with ease and thanks to that no one is really giving a secound thought about their ideas.
This turns the internet into a massive load of crap. Not just "A" crap but shit that can suffocate the entire population of the earth by entering through your eyes then craping crap that craps onto your brain with crap filled crap. (ok maybe that was a little too much....)

Seriously though! People just don't think and they can't shut up! Yes, everyone has a voice and a right but that doesn't mean you can abuse that right. Like the 941,451 comments on Rebecca Black's Friday video, I understand it if you're commenting on why it's bad or where she should improve but comments like "Please shoot yourself" or "You're worse than Justin Beiber" is NOT an opinion, it's just mean and shows how horrible you are as a human being. If you want someone to improve you give them criticism, and if you want to improve you listen to that criticism. Same goes to you fanboys out there! Just because a reviewer didn't give your game or movie the score you wanted doesn't mean you can bash them down with sticks!
A proper critic outlines what he/she liked/hated about said media and tells you why, but I'm going off topic here... I'll create a new topic for this laterz!

Back on topic, it should be an international law to add an "STOP: Read what you just wrote 3 more times before you post" button before anyone can post.

Seriously we need to start laying down ground rules here. Right now the internet is just a playground for kids to go wild and no parents to stop them. More and more the internet is flooding into our daily lives... and I can't help thinking that it actually might ruin us at one point.

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