








If you're looking for a well written plot though... you better look somewhere else. May I suggest The King's Speech? 


Trion Worlds give Japanese players 30 free days of play time.

So I was checking my e-mail today, and I saw one from Trion Worlds (creators of Rift) and I was pretty sure it was an e-mail telling me I ran out of game time because I un-subscribed.... but to my surprised this was what was written!

Trion Worlds, with the rest of the world, has been following the unprecedented events in Japan. We hope that you and your family are safe and well. We understand that, at this time, you may have more immediate priorities than playing RIFT, so we have credited your Trion Worlds account with an additional thirty (30) days of RIFT game time.
This additional game time will automatically be credited to your account — you do not need to do anything. If you have an active subscription plan, your first billing date will be postponed/delayed by an additional thirty days. No change will be made to the subscription plan you have chosen.
We are grateful for the support that you have shown for RIFT by purchasing our game and hope you enjoy this additional game time.
Trion Worlds, Inc.

I live in Tokyo, so haven't been hit bad, but the radiation in the water supply and the limited supply of bottled water in the supermarkets are a bit of a concern, but now I can play Rift to forget about my troubles!!!

I might need to remind you that Rift isn't even out in Japan. Most of us Japanese players bought it off steam or imported it from an overseas retailer.
Most of the time overseas developers (America and Europe) forget about us none local players and consider we don't really exist because we're such a niche community. The free game time was nice, but what I really loved about this e-mail was that Trion Worlds actually care about us niche gamers. 







Story telling in media. Using visuals not dialogue

Ok, I'm going to start blogging in Japanese as well.... but I want to talk about this issue in English first.

The audience are not scientists, they just don't stand there analysing a story, they want to be in-side the story, they want to be part of the world that is unfolding in-front of them.

I believe really good story telling in media is when it gives the audience as little verbal information as possible. You hear time and time again people "explaining" stuff for the audience, and this is present ALOT in Japanese action manga. Each time a character does a special move there's a guy in the background shouting "ZOMG! He used the rotation of that tornado in order to increase his spinning dragon kick!".
This method is just lazy, manga is a visual media and having to explain a drawing defeats the whole purpose of it being a visual media. It makes the artiest lazy and the audience lazy as well and it degrades the media as a whole.

An example of manga NOT using words is "Miku Yon".

A fabulous story about Miku traveling around America and trying to find out, why she sings. The pacing is perfect and the art style is very unique and original. Miku Yon does what most manga should be doing, telling the story through the art not the words.

This issue doesn't just exist in Manga but pretty much any visual media, whether it be a movie or a game they always tend to force dialogue down your throat and illuminate the need for an audience's imagination and like i said earlier, it degrades the medium.


The internet is an amazing thing but I hate it so much

The internet is probably the best invention after the computer.... well for me anyway. For some people that might be the television or a brick wall, but everyone has their own opinion, which comes to my main point today.

Everyone has a voice, everyone has a right, but a lot of people are abusing that right thanks to the internet.
The internet lets you shout out your opinion to someone with ease and thanks to that no one is really giving a secound thought about their ideas.
This turns the internet into a massive load of crap. Not just "A" crap but shit that can suffocate the entire population of the earth by entering through your eyes then craping crap that craps onto your brain with crap filled crap. (ok maybe that was a little too much....)

Seriously though! People just don't think and they can't shut up! Yes, everyone has a voice and a right but that doesn't mean you can abuse that right. Like the 941,451 comments on Rebecca Black's Friday video, I understand it if you're commenting on why it's bad or where she should improve but comments like "Please shoot yourself" or "You're worse than Justin Beiber" is NOT an opinion, it's just mean and shows how horrible you are as a human being. If you want someone to improve you give them criticism, and if you want to improve you listen to that criticism. Same goes to you fanboys out there! Just because a reviewer didn't give your game or movie the score you wanted doesn't mean you can bash them down with sticks!
A proper critic outlines what he/she liked/hated about said media and tells you why, but I'm going off topic here... I'll create a new topic for this laterz!

Back on topic, it should be an international law to add an "STOP: Read what you just wrote 3 more times before you post" button before anyone can post.

Seriously we need to start laying down ground rules here. Right now the internet is just a playground for kids to go wild and no parents to stop them. More and more the internet is flooding into our daily lives... and I can't help thinking that it actually might ruin us at one point.

Welcome to Snowy Entertainment

I always wanted to start a blog but I didn't want it to be those boring ones that people just go on and on about their own personal lives.... or maybe those are just Japanese bloggers.... anyhoo.

I always wanted to start a blog but when you think about the writing, editing, re-editing, linking sources and backing up your argument..... I get lazy.

I always wanted to start a blog, so I guess the best way to do it... is ti actually start it. This blog may improve over time... and who knows! I actually might get people reading it one day.
Anyway I've decided not to get ahead of myself and just write what I want on my blog. I can set up a proper website for myself once I know what I'm doing.

So here it is! Welcome to Snowy Entertainment!!!!!!!!!!